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Kol Nidrei Appeal 2024

Our Synagogue plays a special part in the lives of so many people, both within our community and beyond. The Great Synagogue Foundation's ambition is to secure our community's future; to ensure its viability, sustainability, and continuity.

The Foundation will ensure The Great Synagogue maintains its relevance, which requires continual renewal and re-invigoration while caring for our heritage building to retain its beauty and structure.

The Foundation ensures that The Great Synagogue will continue being the heart and soul of our community for generations to come.

This year, your Kol Nidrei Appeal will help make The Great Synagogue Foundation's vision a reality.



High Holidays 5783
Our Kol Nidrei Appeal, is one of the most important times that you can show your support of The Great Synagogue for the entire year.


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Sat, 27 July 2024 21 Tammuz 5784