Recordings & Music
Our Rabbis and choirmaster are recording key parts of services in the Synagogue and home.
Listen and sing along!
All page numbers listed correspond to the green Authorised Daily Prayer Book, fourth edition.
Parts of the Friday Night service recorded by Rabbi Phil.
Yedid Nefesh (p. 256)
Shiru La'doshem (p. 258)
Mizmor l'Dovid (p. 264)
V'shamru (p. 282)
Psalms in Hallel sung by Rabbi Phil and choirmaster Justin Green.
Adonai Zecharanu Yevarech (p. 620)
Mah Ashiv (p. 622)
Key elements of the Pesach Seder, recorded by Rabbi Elton.
Order of the Seder
Kiddush for Pesach
Ma Nishtana
Avadim Hayinu
Vehi Sheamda
Ten Plagues
Leshana Haba
Echad Mi Yodeia
Adir Hu
Chad Gadya
Ki Lo Naeh
High Holiday Music
By Rabbi Dr Benjamin Elton
The High Holiday prayers have been set to some of the most beautiful music every created for the Jewish liturgy. Here are some of my favourites:
In some traditions, Psalm 24 is sung to conclude High Holiday evening services. This piece is sung by Shulem Lemmer and combines compositions by Zavel Kwartin (1874-1952) and Moshe Oysher (1906-1958).
Samuel Alman (1877-1947) arranged a Kiddush for Rosh Hashana based on traditional themes. It is sung exquisitely here by Cantor Charles Lowy.
The Rosh Hashana Mussaf service describes God revealing His glory on Mount Sinai when the Torah was given. A wonderful piece was composed by Cantor Moshe Ganchoff (1904-1997) and is sung here by his student, Cantor Alberto Mizrachi.
Louis Lewandowski (1821-1894) of Berlin wrote some of the most popular compositions for the High Holidays, including this piece, which describes how God remembers how we followed him in the Wilderness to the Land of Israel. It is sung by Cantor Moshe Korn, who was the Cantor of Hendon Synagogue in London.
A highlight of the High Holiday service for many is Unetaneh Tokef. Cantor Naftali Herstik and Raymond Goldstein adapted a composition by Edward Birnbaum of Konigsberg (1855-1920):
The Modziter Chassidim are famous for their music, often in march time. This is from the introduction to the Mussaf Kedusha:
The melody of Kol Nidre is well-know to all of us, here is a very fine rendition by Udi Spielman and choir:
Yossele Rosenblatt (1882-1933), the greatest cantor of the last century, composed an intricate setting of the description of the Yom Kippur temple service, sung here by two great contemporary cantors, Moshe Stern and Moshe Haschel.
When we recite the penitential prayers of Yom Kippur was ask God to sit on the throne of mercy and forgive us. This piece was discovered by Stephen Glass and may have been written Joshua Abrass of Odessa (1820-1883).
We are all uplifted when we hear the so called Chassidic Kaddish at the end of services. It is sung here by Cantor David Propis: