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Adult Education


Rabbi Elton and Rabbi Feldman run regular series of education classes. These include Talmud, Jewish philosophy, Jewish history, the Prayerbook, Jewish law and synagogue skills. You can see his current and forthcoming classes on the synagogue calendar here.

Rabbi Elton is also available to teach individually and in small groups. In particular, he is available half an hour before weekday morning services and other times by arrangement. Be in touch to set up a time. 

On Shabbat morning from 8.30 to 8.45 Rabbi Elton gives a short class on the commentary by Rashi (R Shlomo ben Yitzchak, France 11th-12th century) on the portion of the week. On the Shabbat before Pesach (Shabbat Hagadol) and before Yom Kippur (Shabbat Shuva), Rabbi Elton delivers a Talmudic discourse after the service in place of a sermon. 

Torah from The Great

Rabbi Elton shares a short thought of relevant Torah every weekday via WhatsApp.

Join the "Torah from The Great" WhatsApp group to be inspired every day. Email with your mobile number to be added to the group.

From the Rabbi's Bookshelves


From January 2020 until January 2021, we produced a weekly video series entitled From the Rabbi's Bookshelves in which Rabbi Elton presents books from his library, introducing the author and sharing a teaching. The playlist is embedded below.



The Misunderstood Rabbi Jonathan Sacks

Rabbi Elton explores the background, thought and religious policy positions of Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, and consider where his theological and social perspectives have been widely misunderstood.


COVID-19, Delta Strain & The Vaccines | Rabbi Elton in conversation with Dr Peter Elton

Rabbi Elton is joined by his father, Dr Peter Elton, live from England to discuss everything current with COVID, including how England has managed, the vaccines, Australia's situation and more.
Dr Peter Elton is the Clinical Director of the Greater Manchester and Eastern Cheshire Strategic Clinical Networks, a former member of the UK Government's Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation and was a Director of Public Health for eighteen years.


Digging Deep with Renee Mill

Focussing on good mental health practices is always important, but more so than ever when we are isolated from one another in lockdown. This is a ZOOM session on shoring up our practices with Renee Mill, Director and Principal Clinical Psychologist at Anxiety Solutions CBT.


Coping with COVID: A conversation with Psychotherapist Brandon Srot



Sat, 14 September 2024 11 Ellul 5784