Women of Worth WOW Weekend 2018
From Caroline Lewis, Vice President
Women of Worth WOW Weekend 2018
Women of Worth "WOW" Weekend 2018
What is WOW?
Over two days, you will be WOWED with stories from extraordinary women of all ages from our community doing amazing things to change their lives and those of others. It is through sharing our stories, challenges and creative ideas, and inspiring and empowering each other, that we can connect with past, present and future generations and share and celebrate our successes.
In this first WOW Weekend we bring together women from different backgrounds, traditions and life situations with a common goal: the exploration of the traditions, roles and obstacles we face through life.
We promise a fun weekend of discussions, panels and activities around the topics of Food, Family, Friendships, Faith, Fun, Fashion and Fearlessness, in a heartfelt, stimulating and enlightening way for every stage of our lives.
A Program to WOW You:
Our exciting program features more than twenty outstanding speakers and presenters lined up for the weekend!
Click here to view the full program, and here to read more about the presenters throughout the weekend.